How to actually enjoy your holidays

Have you ever experienced going on holidays and coming back even more tired?

Do you feel the absolute need to totally relax but you end up scrolling on social media all the time?

Is the time of the year that you really need to take some time off but you find yourself dealing with work stuff?

Holidays are supposed to be a way to disconnect from everything, recharge your batteries and find the time and space to rejuvenate and really enjoy your time off. Here are some effective ways to make it happen.

1.Plan and prioritize

Plan your vacation highlights and activities ahead so you don’t waste time to book last minute things, rush or stress about unexpected surprises. Make sure you don’t overbook each day and prioritize time for downtime and relaxation.

2. Disconnect from work

Avoid checking work-related emails or engaging in work-related tasks during your holidays. Organize your work before you head off and make sure you handover your pending tasks. It’s important to create clear boundaries between your work and your vacation.

3. Unplug from technology

It’s advisable to limit the exposure to social media and use of electronic devices. Being on your phone automatically ‘exposes’ you to the outer world, creating noise in your head, whereas vacation is all about calming down and silence the mind chatter.

4. Spend time in nature

Nature has the most unique calming effect and can help us unwind. Connect with nature and spend time on the beach, going for walks, hikes, swimming on lakes or rivers or just enjoy a nice view or a magic sunset.

5. Engage in self-care and mindful activities

During your time off, make sure you engage in activities that help you be present and mindful, calming your mind and eliminating your stress levels. You can practise meditation, mindfulness or yoga, deep breathing exercises or some self-pampering time. You can also start reading this book that you never seem to find the time to enjoy it. It’s important to maintain some healthy habits, like a balanced diet, limited alcohol and getting enough sleep, so you can maintain your well-being during holidays.

6. Spend quality time with loved ones

It’s essential to spend time with your partner, friends and family in a meaningful way. Spend time together to really enjoy each other’s company, bond and have meaningful conversations.

Spending vacation time and enjoyment is a personal experience. Thus, make sure you bring in activities and practices that you really need, enjoy and work for you. Allow yourself to fully embrace and maximize the benefits of your time off.

Photo by Leonardo Iheme on Unsplash

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