Coaching, mentoring, therapy, counselling – what should I choose?

There is often confusion around what type of professional support is needed when people want to change something in their life or need some kind of guidance to proceed further. Coaching, mentoring, psychotherapy or counseling? There are basic similarities and … Read More

How to discover your purpose?

Finding purpose, meaning, our mission on this planet… there are many expressions to capture this need and process but what does purpose really mean? Finding your purpose means aligning with your personal values and embracing ideals that are bigger than … Read More

Career upgrade – taking the next step

Do you find yourself in this stage of your career that you know you need to make a change and get better satisfaction from your professional life? You may want to climb the corporate ladder, lead a team, transit to … Read More

The role of coaching in the journey from self-awareness to success

Modern life runs at high speed, which makes it very easy to get disoriented from our desires, our inner balance and the goals we set in life. The key to this frenetic run is focus. When I focus my attention … Read More

How to actually enjoy your holidays

Have you ever experienced going on holidays and coming back even more tired? Do you feel the absolute need to totally relax but you end up scrolling on social media all the time? Is the time of the year that … Read More

How to deal with Burnout

Burnout is a condition related to overwhelming stress and it’s continuously growing in professional environments. Its main components, that are key in differentiating them from similar-effect conditions, are: De-personalization – where you separate yourself emotionally from your work. Decreased level … Read More

Imposter syndrome: what is it and how to deal with it?

Imposter syndrome is the condition of chronic feelings of inadequacy, incompetence, and anxiety despite objective success. This condition often results in people feeling like “a fraud” and doubting their abilities. Why do people with imposter syndrome feel like frauds even … Read More

Why you don’t get that promotion

When you’re hired in an organization, it’s because of your skills and experience. They hire you so you can implement a role and its responsibilities. Although implementors are extremely useful in a company, as they are the people that move … Read More

Understanding & dealing with Procrastination

Procrastination is a complex, psychological, self-defeating behavior, marked by short-term benefits and long-term costs. It’s the behavior of replacing more urgent actions with less urgent tasks, or putting off impending tasks to a later time, or wanting to avoid the … Read More

How to stop the self-sabotaging cycle?

Self-sabotage refers to the behaviors that prevent us from reaching our full potential. We may find ourselves engaging in behaviors that have mental, emotional or physical consequences and hold us back from achieving our goals. We don’t always realize that … Read More