Business, Executive, Career Coaching

Business Coaching

Business coaching is the process in which a professional Coach supports a Client in setting and achieving their business and career goals.I can help individuals develop their skills, performance and career. Via business coaching, I can support people, in different stages of their career to shape and reach their professional goals.I work with professionals, entrepreneurs and executives in order to help them increase their performance, create strategic plans and achieve financial goals. They can also build personal and professional skills, such as leadership, communication, collaboration, resilience, decision making and self-efficacy skills.Via coaching, I can help you get clarity on your strategic vision, raise your awareness around your key strengths and success factors, build confidence and soft skills and prepare a working action plan that will help you, step-by-step, reach your goal.

Business Coaching goals

- Increasing performance - Soft skills development - Smooth transition to a new role - Building stronger leadership presence - Enhancing emotional intelligence - Improving leadership skills - Managing complex relationships - Team-building skills - Achieve financial targets - Stress management, resilience and wellbeing - Work-life balance - Leading and managing change

It’s for you, if:

- You experience stagnation in your professional life. - You want to get a promotion/ different role. - You want to develop your soft skills. - You got a managerial role and you want to uplevel your leading skills. - You want to learn how to manage your professional relationships effectively. - You want to build a strong, motivated and successful team. - You want to increase your salary/ earnings/ sales. - You want to mitigate stress factors and invest more on your wellbeing. - You want to improve time management and achieve the ideal work-life balance for you.

Executive Coaching

Executive coaching can help middle/top management professionals maximize their potential and get on top of their goals and challenges. Via executive coaching, I can support leaders in shaping and enhancing their leading profile and skills, increase their confidence and inspire their teams.I work with executives in order to help them increase their performance, overcome obstacles and challenges, build strong communication and negotiation skills and make decisions in alignment with their professional objectives.

Executive Coaching goals

- Mastering communication skills - Establishing leading style - Problem solving skills - Improving leadership and emotional intelligence skills - Identifying blind spots - Effective change management - Enhancing self-awareness - Boosting confidence - Team building strategies - Improving conflict resolution skills - Stress management and wellbeing

It’s for you, if:

- You recently took on a leadership role and you want to invest on your professional development. - You aspire to be a more effective leader. - You aim to better communicate with your team, increase their performance and be able to give them constructive feedback. - You want to become more self-aware and confident in your role. - You want to manage your time and priorities better. - You want to manage job, career or organizational transitions. - Handling conflicts and difficult relationships is a challenge for you.

life coach session

Career Coaching

Career coaching can help young professionals or experienced individuals in transitional periods of their professional life. I can support young professionals that want to enter the market and are actively looking for a job. We can work together every step of your career way, from identifying the best job match for you, preparing resumes and job applications, interviewing to developing new personal and professional skills.Additionally, I can work with experienced individuals that would like to change their career path to a more purposeful and aligned with their personal and professional values. We can identify and work on the available options, elaborate on the best transition plan, as well as focus on empowering you and helping you grow required and desirable skills that will support you towards your new career dream.Via career coaching sessions, I can help you get guidance on your professional vision, raise your awareness around your key strengths, build confidence and prepare a working action plan that will help you, step-by-step, reach your goal.

Career Coaching goals

- Career planning - Career transition and re-focus - Identifying new career profile - Developing new soft skills - Setting new career goals - Improving communication style and skills - Effective job searching - CV/ interview preparation - Job searching abroad

It’s for you, if:

- You have just graduated from university/college and you want to plan your next professional steps. - You are a junior professional and you want to invest on your personal and professional skills in order to upgrade your career. - You are an experienced professional that would like to move on to a new more fulfilling sector/ career. - You need guidance and careful preparation ahead of an interview. - You aim for an up-to-date CV that would stand out in the market. - You want to apply for a job abroad and you need guidance and a clear plan to move on.

work with me

Get started and book a free session with me to have a first discussion around your goal and how coaching and I can help you achieve it. Even if your goal is not shaped yet, and you need help with clarifying it, I would be happy to assist and turn this idea into a coaching goal together. The methodologies and tools of evidence-based coaching I use, have the potential and flexibility to be tailored to any goal and need.

Every goal is unique. Every client is unique and brings their own set of strengths, skills, interests, focus and abilities into the coaching relationship. As a result, the development journey and the transformation that can occur, via coaching, is unique as well. Book a session now to discover your unique skillset together.

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September 2024


Coaching is the process of maximizing a Coachee’s potential in order to achieve his/her goals. Via coaching, the Coach helps the Clients to develop the required personal and professional skills and build an action plan that will support them reaching their goals.

Essentially, Coaching is one and unique. It’s a compact process with specific approaches, methodologies and tools. The usage of terms like life coaching, business coaching etc depends on how each Coach will define the group of Clients that wants to target and specify what kind of coaching services wants to offer. So, a life/ personal coach focuses on personal development and change, a business coach focuses on professional goals and performance, a wellness Coach focuses on health and wellbeing matters and so on.

Their similarities are focused on the very similar methods of questioning and investigation of information. Plus, providing guidance and advice is not recommended in both areas. The differences are multiple, however they are oriented towards the focus given in each type of session.

In psychotherapy, we work with patients, whereas in coaching we have Clients or Coachees.

The objective of a therapeutic session is working on a problematic area, or functional restoration or emotional pain alleviation. The objective of a coaching session is to set goals, find ways to fulfil a Client’s vision, increase performance and develop new skills.

In psychotherapy the focus is on the cause of an event, going back to the past to identify the ‘why’ and how to metabolize the underlying emotions. In coaching, we focus on the solution, our time focus is present and future. We don’t emphasize on the ‘why’ but on ‘how’ – how will I proceed now? What actions shall I take?

Psychotherapy is a long-term process, whereas coaching can last only for some months.

No, coaching is not consulting. In order to get consulting services, the Consultant needs to be in the same field as the Client. For example, if a Client needs financial or marketing advice, they should contact Financial or Marketing companies that provide such kind of services. The Coach cannot provide advice from all kinds of fields and sectors. However, the Coach will drive the Clients to identify the answers that serve them, within them. That’s the essence of self-development. Even if the Coach was/is in the same field as the Client, it’s not ‘allowed’ to share advice and tips, because this is a quick and dirty solution and it actually shows that the Coach does not trust the Coachee to search and identify their own answers. So, from a coaching perspective this is meaningless. However, helping and supporting the Client to find the answers to their questions, problems and challenges is one of the most rewarding and transformational experiences, both the Coach and the Coachee can enjoy.

The focus is always oriented towards the Client’s goal. A typical session usually includes the agenda of each session, discussion around progress and lessons learned from the previous one, the session’s dedicated goal, reflection time and next steps until the next session.

A coaching session lasts between 50-60 minutes. The first session, also called Contract, can last up to 90 minutes.

The recommended occurence of the sessions is weekly, but it’s dependent on the Client’s availability, too. During the phase of the Action Plan’s implementation the occurence of the meetings can be bi-weekly or monthly. In any case, the sessions’ occurence is agreed between the Coach and the Coachee.

The duration of a Coach-Coachee cooperation depends on the Coachee’s goals (amount and timeframe). However, a typical cooperation can take between 10-15 sessions.

During a coaching relationship, you can expect to get clarity on your goals and your why behind these goals. You will get more connected to your vision and aligned with your core values. You will feel that you are in open, honest, trusted space with full acceptance and respect. Additionally, you will be challenged to assess your needs, your beliefs and your mindset. You will feel empowered, confident and encouraged to constantly move forward. You will also increase your self-awareness and you will practically realize what is your unique skillset that motivates you to succeed. You won’t get advice and tips from me, because that would mean I don’t trust your capabilities, but I will help you find the answers within you.

You will be able to realize the benefits of coaching quite quickly, irrespectively of your goal’s timeline. The results of each session’s reflection time, the lessons learned between the sessions, plus the actions that you will take in the meantime will help you make positive changes in your life and they will be observable even from our very first sessions.

Other Services

Life Coaching

Re-gain your power, control your life, find balance and get clarity on how to achieve your personal goals.

Mindset Coaching

Uncover negative thoughts, overcome limiting behaviors and take your power back.

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